Noise Simulator

Our next generation noise vibration and harshness (NVH) simulator allows you to gather noise data from various sources, using different techniques and combine them in one interactive environment – a virtual vehicle driven in a realistic and controlled environment.
Accurately reproducing the interior noise for any combination of road speed, engine speed, throttle opening and selected gear, you’ll be able to immediately appreciate the contribution of a subsystem thanks to detailed models that include full Source-Path-Contribution (SPC).

- Compare multiple vehicles back-to-back in real time on the same roads for benchmarking and target-setting
- Compare the noise characteristics of a vehicle at various stages during its NVH development, using a reference that can be a prototype vehicle that doesn’t exist anymore
- Carry out jury evaluations of noise characteristics with expert or non-expert assessors – all assessors can drive vehicles on the same roads and in the same conditions, eliminating any bias or test condition variability and maintaining the link between objective data and the subjective impression

The vehicle’s noise can be split into its contributory components to varying degrees of complexity – from a simple powertrain/road and wind noise split, through to a complete breakdown by every noise generating source, allowing:
- Individual noise transmission path contributions to be assessed whilst driving the virtual vehicle
- Causes of specific sound quality issues to be identified
- Individual contributions to be filtered and assessed in order to derive how much improvement is required to achieve a target sound
- Source levels to be modified to achieve a specific ‘brand sound’
Our simulator allows you to make early judgments on different designs through the integration of CAE and at each stage of development, the complete virtual vehicle can be driven and re-assessed against competitor vehicles to monitor progress and to ensure that no additional NVH issues have been inadvertently introduced.