Powertrain Propulsion Centre

Our purpose-built Powertrain Propulsion Centre provides the transport industry with a comprehensive test capability for developing the latest generation of engines.

This facility features the latest test equipment and is primarily used for performance and emissions optimisation and validation.
It allows engines to be tested under a wide range of environmental conditions including; temperature, humidity and altitude which covers all the RDE boundaries and beyond.
We help customers reduce the time and cost to market through our ability to frontload traditional road-based vehicle and lab testing to the engine testbed. Utilising the latest measurement equipment and methodology means the data we provide is delivered efficiently and is highly accurate and repeatable.
Our advanced capability allows virtual models to be taken into a simulated engine-in-the-loop testing environment and our experienced engineers deliver a wealth of capability and expertise to specific customer requirements, ranging from steady-state to high-dynamic low-inertia dyno engine testing as well as emissions measurement, high precision fuels measurement and online calibration tools.

Facility Features
- Highly transient powertrain test cells with HORIBA STARS engine test automation software
- Engine-in-the-loop capability utilising real-world and virtual driving scenarios
- Permanent magnet and low inertia AC dynamometers up to 470kW
- Environmental emulation; HORIBA MEDAS 5012VO, MTM and MHM modules for altitude, temperature and humidity control (0-5000m, -45 to 50°C and 2 to 65g/kg)
- Combustion Air Handling Unit (CAHU) for temperature and humidity control
- Twin line HORIBA MEXA ONE gaseous emissions measurement per test cell
- HORIBA SPCS2100 raw particle counters

Facility Features Continued
- HORIBA QL-NX for NOx speciation
- HORIBA OBS PEMS gaseous and particle number measurement devices
- Smoke number, opacity and blowby measurement devices
- HORIBA FQ3100 fuel mass flow meters
- ABB FMT700-p Sensyflow air mass flow meters
- High speed data acquisition for combustion analysis and power electronics
- ETAS INCA and ATI Vision ECU interrogation hardware
- Clean build, teardown and inspection areas