Vehicle Semi-Anechoic Chassis Dynamometer

The Vehicle Semi-Anechoic Chassis Dynamometer is used for interior and exterior noise testing.

The semi-anechoic property of the facility replicates a free field environment allowing testing to be conducted in a controlled and repeatable environment, eliminating the influence of ambient weather conditions.
The chassis dynamometer, also known as a rolling road, enables the vehicle to be driven in the same manner as it would on the road or track. A vehicle model can be input into the chassis dynamometer control system to apply specific forces to the vehicle to correct for rolling and wind resistance.

The motor is able to work passively as an absorbing dynamometer or actively as a motoring dynamometer allowing operation of the facility to be conducted in speed control, force control or road load simulation modes.
The vehicle semi-anechoic chassis dynamometer is particularly suitable for powertrain related noise development including final-drive, engine intake and exhaust systems. The facility is not only used for its repeatable environment but also to conduct tests that would not be possible to perform elsewhere such as engine disconnections or intensity mapping.
A wide variety of equipment can be used in the facility such as intensity probes, laser vibrometers, and binaural heads. There are also a range of data acquisition units available to be used in the facility; LMS Test.Lab (60 channels); B&K pulse (40 channels); Prosig (32 channels).
Semi-Anechoic Chamber Specifications
Room Size
17m x 6.8m x 4m (L, W, H)
Cut off Frequency
0 – 200 km/h
Absorption Power
250 kW
Motoring Power
200 kW
Roller Diameter